Firefox Add-on SDK Workshop en Londres

El próximo día 29 de septiembre Firefox va a celebrar un taller en Londres donde se podrá trabajar y aprender sobre el SDK para crear extensiones en el conocido navegador.

Aquí está la nota que han publicado en el blog de Mozilla Hacks:

Interested in learning how to create fantastic Firefox add-ons with the Add-on SDK and Builder? Join the Jetpack team in London, UK on September 29th for an evening of workshops that will get you started hacking on compatibility-proof, re-startless, testable addons using the many features of the SDK.

The workshop will include a general introduction to the Add-on SDK and the online Builder tool, followed by 3 tracks of breakout sessions. The breakout sessions will be help for smaller groups of 30-40 people to allow for more interactivity. Each breakout session will be given 3 times to ensure that all attendees can participate in each session. The sessions are as follows:

  1. Interacting with Web Content
    The SDK includes a powerful module for interacting with and modifying page content. In this workshop you wil learn how to use popular JavaScript libraries like jQuery to dramatically alter the look and behaviour of a web page, as well as manage communications between your add-on and the modified pages.
  2. Adding to the Firefox UI
    A key part of many Firefox add-ons is their ability to integrate with the Firefox UI. This session will guide you through the various techniques the Add-on SDK exposes to integrate your add-on with Firefox.
  3. Libraries & Modules: The Key to Generativity
    The Add-on SDK uses the CommonJS format to allow developers to easily create and share re-usable modules. This workshop guides you through hands-on exercises designed to illustrate usability and security concerns when creating re-usable code.

Note: All sessions are meant to get you writing code straight away! Please ensure you bring a Wifi-capable laptop to really benefit from the hands-on format.

When & where

The workshop is being held at City University in London starting at 6PM, initially in the Oliver Thompson Lecture Theatre (OTLT). We expect the breakout workshops to conclude around 10:30PM.

El taller tendrá lugar en la City University de Londres, que está en la zona de Angel de la capital inglesa.

Yo ya me he apuntado.

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